by Karen Alberg Grossman Jan 09, 2020
2020 Awards Gala
The future of the fashion industry appeared brighter than ever on Tuesday night as the Fashion Scholarship Fund held its 83rd annual awards gala. FSF’s executive director Peter Arnold explained the organization’s mission: to recognize and reward fashion talent, which can be found everywhere from big cities to small towns, from prestigious private universities to small public colleges. In just the past five years, 1,500 worthy students have been given internships with 150 corporate sponsors.
Brandon Maxwell and Peter Arnold
FSF’s Board president Marc Mastronardi from Macy’s noted that among this year’s finalists, two are first-generation college students, four pay the majority of their tuition with loans, and all eight have been interns at top companies. This year’s first-place winner was Tyshaia Earnest from Kent State University who received a $35,000 scholarship.
Marc Mastronardi with this year’s 1st Place Winner: Tyshaia Earnest
The evening was a Who’s Who of top industry execs and the mood was notably upbeat considering the extant state of the world. Special thanks to Presidential Sponsors Peerless Clothing, Centro Brands and American Apparel & Footwear Association, and to Diamond Sponsors Levi’s/Dockers and PVH.
Marc Mastronardi with this year’s Top 8 Finalists
For more information on FSF or to get involved as a sponsor or mentor: